Eco-Med: green economy tra Mediterraneo e Sud Italia

ecomed green expo catania

Eco-Med Green Expo – The appointment is for next 11-13 April, at the “The Chimneys” exhibition center , where the 1st Mediterranean Exhibition Eco Med Green Expo, the Environment, Waste, Water and Remedy Exhibition will take place , Energy Comfort .

Eco-Med Green Expo Catania 2019: what is it?

Eco-Med Green Expo offers thematic seminars and conferences, the most innovative ideas and the most efficient products presented by over 200 exhibitors from all over the Mediterranean area.

From 11 to 13 April, Catania is a candidate to become the hub of change in the management of the environment, green expo with the ambition to create a bridge countries they overlook the Mediterranean around the great themes of the circular economy .

Waste, water, energy, sustainable mobility, reclamation  are the key words on which institutions and companies will be called to confront the transition towards full environmental and social sustainability.

The “chimneys” will be held simultaneously with ” Project Room “, another important trade fair now in its elevated edition and dedicated to improving energy efficiency , the safety and liveability of public and private buildings, in full view of smart cities .

For three days, therefore, exhibitors, researchers, professionals, companies and institutions will have the opportunity to discuss the latest news in each sector of specialization, also benefiting from events, seminars and other moments dedicated to deepening and meeting demand and supply. Much more than a fair. The ambition of “Eco-Med” is to exploit the good practices that will be presented during the shows to put institutions and companies in the South together with authoritative interlocutors of the Mediterranean and North Saharan African communities, raising new interests and possible collaborations on the aspects of the green and circular economy .

Un’attenzione speciale sarà riservata alle start up e gli spin off attivi nei vari settori dell’economia verde, col duplice scopo di presentare al grande pubblico le idee più innovative e offrire ai giovani talenti un’opportunità di promozione e crescita. Non è infatti un caso se i due saloni internazionali si svolgeranno in una città e in una regione che vedono, insieme alla Campania, trainare l’innovazione tecnologica e, di conseguenza, la ripresa economica e occupazionale del sud Italia. La conferma arriva dai dati dell’ultimo rapporto trimestrale del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e InfoCamere: con le sue 474 imprese, a fine 2018 la Sicilia risultava la settima regione per numero di start up registrate, la prima tra le regioni del sud in rapporto al totale di nuove società di capitali (2,06%). Da questo patrimonio “Eco-Med” intende partire per disegnare il futuro della green economy.

Eco-Med Green Expo Catania 2019: how to participate

For more information and accreditations, visit the official website of the event: